Our web server automatically recognizes and collects the domain name and IP address of visitors to our site. In addition, we collect information volunteered by the visitor to participate in activities on the site, such as making a donation, purchasing or redeeming a gift e-card, funding a project or event in someone’s honor, registering to create an account, requesting email newsletters and/or contacting us through one or more of our contact email addresses. Islamic Center of Lawrence also collects personal information when you create an account. When you create an account we ask for information such as your name, email address, postal address, and phone number. If a visitor has enabled cookies in their browser, we also will send a cookie file that will only store a unique, random session ID that is maintained throughout the session to track the pages visited, allowing us to provide visitors to our site with certain conveniences, such as delivering unique content. We also use cookies to track the path of users through our site, and to keep track of where they came from (for example, if they arrive via a search engine). We also collect aggregate tracking information derived mainly from tallying page views throughout our site.